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                                               Who We Are

Kim Ragle



Kim Ragle has been in the insurance industry for 5 years. Her main focus as an agent is to ensure her clients have the benefit of her experience so they can make informed decisions on which plans best fit their needs. She makes it her goal to educate her clients on retirement planning and also the importance of life insurance. 

As the office manager, Kim handles the day to day operations of Trilogy Group. Her knowledge allows Trilogy Group to run smoothly and professionally. She handles all the bookkeeping and is everyone's favorite person on payday. 

On the personal side, Kim is married and has three children and one grandson. In fact, her oldest son, Brian, is one of her partners at Trilogy Group. Kim is proud of her family and that the company has the "family business" feel to it. She also enjoys reading, scrapbooking and is hooked on American Idol.

Brian Ragle



A former corporate agent for a major insurance company, Brian Ragle has extensive experience in dealing with insurance and estate issues. Brian has been in the insurance arena for over a decade and in that time he has seen many changes in the local and national insurance industry. Brian has devoted his career to annuity marketing and estate planning. He has established himself as an industry leader in annuity planning and has aligned himself with key advanced market estate attorneys.


Through his excellence in research and networking Brian has combined a truly impressive estate consulting team. With a constant flow of great ideas, Brian continues to work with industry experts to build innovative, effective estate planning programs and tools for any client.


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